fredag 24. desember 2010

The love pain.

Have you ever been crazy, foolish in love? Or do you just think you have? Before the relationship I`m in now, I thought I knew what love really is, and I thought I knew how it is. But I was wrong. Very, very wrong. But then I wonder how do you handle to be in a long distance relationship with someone you are crazy in love with?
You are in a relationship with the best and most perfect man (or women) you have ever meet, and ever want to be with, but this person lives on the other side of the world. And you are so in love with this person, that you can never get enough pictures of him (or her), you want to cry every time the person`s name is mentioned, or you cry you`re self to sleep every night, because the other person is not next to you. And the worst part is: You don’t know when you can see him (or her) again, and it`s difficult to have regular contact because of the differences in the two countries. How do you handle that in the long run?

I can walk around in town, hating every couple I see, because my boyfriend is not around. I have bought his perfume, just to spray it on his clothes, so I can imagine he is here with me. I have pictures of him on every wall in my room, on my computer, phone and wallet, and with me everywhere I go, because I`m scared to forget his face. I have started to think about how I can get money to get to him, or what I can do so he can come to me (without breaking any law, or if I have to, what law can I break?). I only want my boyfriend back next to me. I Just want to see him, feel him, kiss him, hold his hand again soon. And I wonder how I can deal with this pain it is to not be with him, or not know when I see him again, without go more crazy than I already have.

I think that a good man is worth fighting for, and a long distance will make us stronger. I am just not used to fight, and could need some good advice to be strong in this fight. *LOVE*

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